Thursday, December 3, 2009

How to deter crime. Blog #6

     Prevention of crime is the responsibility of every law-abiding citizen.  No one wants to be a victim or feel victimized. Unfortunately, two weeks prior to Thanksgiving I was victimized.  My car was into while I was training at the gym.  The “perp” stole my Dooney Burke purse, wallet, and a sweater I had just purchased for my aunts birthday.  My purse was stowed underneath my seat and was not at all visible.  I am still unsure what drew the “perp” to my vehicle.  This crime left me not only feeling victimized, but took away time I did not have to call my insurance company, my bank, the Sherriff, and the glass company.  In less than an hour, the “perp” charged over $800 to my account.  As a criminal justice major, I was stunned this occurred. I do not have a fancy vehicle and I certainly do not advertise, “Come steal this.” I know for a fact people saw this occur and did nothing to stop it, I found that very discouraging.  I decided to become better informed and my goal is to share this information with my readers.    
     The most important aspect of crime prevention is through learning effective ways to deter crimes.  There are many crime legislation initiatives it is vital people become familiar with them.  People should seek out policies that target crime and will overall protect communities. One of the best ways people can assist in protecting their community is through community involvement.  Programs such as, Big Brothers Big sisters of America will help deter youth crime through positive mentor influence.  If people see a crime or a suspicious activity occur, they “must,” report it.  Crime will only continue by people looking the other way.  People “must” always lock up their valuables and never leave a purse in a car whether it is visible or not. Many criminals stake out the person or car they intend to strike. They have nothing, but time.  Finally, people “must” always be aware of their surroundings and whenever possible travel in a group to avoid being singled out. All of these valuable tips will enable people to feel more secure, and help lower crime rates nationwide. Everyone can be a victim of crime.  Criminals can be deterred simply by not giving them the opportunity.

Work Cited
Hoag, T. (2009).  How to prevent crime.
Sherman, L.W. (2006). Evidence-based crime prevention.

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