Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Toughest Sheriff in U.S. Blog #2

      We have all heard the motto “Get Tough on Crime.” Sherriff Joe Arpaio, of Maricopa County, Arizona believes that putting prisoners on public display is the best way to deter people from crime. . Arapio created the first women’s chain and juvenile gangs in the nation. He like many people feels that prisoners do not deserve better living conditions than that of our American soldiers. Arapio stated, "Its 120 degrees in Iraq and the soldiers are living in tents and they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your mouths."
      The prisoners live in the in tents and wear pink underwear. Arapio stated, “I want jail to be a miserable experience.” All of the comforts of county jail have been eliminated and his prisoners are only allowed to watch the Disney channel and and C-Span. He has the right idea. We have too many recidivists as it is, so jail cannot be that bad of place to be if people keep coming back.
            The conservatives support him fully and feel their tax dollars are being put to good use. The Arizonians love him and he has won all of his sheriff elections by double digits. However, the liberals feel that he is human rights violator, and a racial profiler. The federal government wants him to change his ways or plans to shut him down. Many feel that the Sheriff has abused his office in violation of the federal law. A protest of over 5,000 people against the use of tactics occurred in Arizona yesterday. Nevertheless, Sheriff Joe remains optimistic and believes his re-elections statistics speak for themselves. Hang in there Sheriff Joe.

 Work  Cited
Randy, J. (2009). Time Magazine. Sheriff Joe Arapio.
http://www.time.com/time/printout/0,8816,1929920,00.html Retrieved: Oct 13, 2009
Ruiz, A. (2009). New York Daily. Why Arizona’s Sheriff Joe must go and soon. http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/brooklyn/2009/03/11/2009-03-11_why_arizonas_sheriff_joe_arpaio_must_go_.html
Retrieved Oct 13, 2009